I know that other babies do these things, but I'm sorry, every new thing Afton does is an absolute revelation to me - she's the most precious angel of adorable cuteness that's ever happened. I can't even stand this new squealing talking thing she's been up to - it's just too awesome. I will post video as evidence. Other than that she's still really super grumpy about tummy time, but she's getting stronger as we struggle through it and I think she'll be sitting up on her own in a matter of weeks. We are doing good (despite the fact that I'm feeling sick) and it's been a super fun month that started with the whole May clan in town for a big Disneyland adventure which was seriously too fun. Afton was really cute with the family and all her super rad cousins. October is especially cool because we have loads of May family birthdays and one King one as well. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Ethan, Sullivan, Emerson, Cheryll, Joyce!! We love you to the max!
I love baby noises! You can absolutely see in that little girl's face that she is trying to communicate and is experimenting with just how to do it. She is so much fun!